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『 Happy together 』 今日: 0|主题: 45|排名: 39 

版主: Anna
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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 ☆追夢人☆ 論壇總則 韓飛雪 2004-12-12 4 / 2348 韓飛雪 2006-7-8 23:41
预览 The Melancholic Charm of Tony Leung Chiu Wai(添翻譯)  ...234 韓飛雪 2007-2-23 39 / 1986 夜来幽梦 2009-1-14 13:42
预览 [05.08.03]Love by Numbers (Tony's interview in L.A.)  ...23 rainychian 2005-8-4 22 / 1576 yitian0911 2008-7-2 11:54
预览 [05]TONY LEUNG talks about 2046(已添翻译)  ...2 六月涵雪 2006-11-19 12 / 1018 坚持晴仔 2012-8-26 18:14
预览 [04.11.25]梁朝伟:我不喜欢现实,所以我喜欢演戏。(十四樓添翻譯)  ...2345 晓宇 2008-8-5 40 / 989 yyw609 2011-7-26 13:26
预览 [00.10.11]'I Told Kar-wai I Couldn't Move, Couldn't Breathe'(已加翻译) LillyWhite 2006-4-29 9 / 921 darcy_mania 2010-3-31 20:01
预览 [05.04.21]Tony Leung in the mood for acting(新华网英文站)  ...2 lancy 2005-4-24 14 / 907 yuanqian 2008-2-22 00:51
预览 [01.04] Tony's interview in Australia dodo 2006-9-15 2 / 882 greedygirl 2006-11-13 10:28
预览 [00]And the Winner Is ...Wong Kar-wai's film In the Mood for Love VVVV 2006-5-23 4 / 838 坚持晴仔 2012-8-25 19:22
预览 [05.08.10]Interview: Tony Leung We talk to the star of 2046(已添翻译) LillyWhite 2006-4-29 5 / 838 yuanqian 2008-3-6 23:32
预览 [06.03.21]Out of the Limelight attachment next 2006-3-23 3 / 806 smiling112 2006-5-5 20:44
预览 [01.02.02] In the Mood for Love-Salon.com VVVV 2006-5-18 2 / 799 egret 2007-12-28 09:51
预览 SPECILA FOR ——《色,戒》英文信息专帖  ...2 rainychian 2007-8-5 11 / 783 yuanqian 2008-2-26 16:50
预览 [05.05]Then It Must Be True -- Tony Leung(翻译/原文) twilight 2005-11-20 7 / 779 好烦 2007-3-11 19:23
预览 [04.05.22]Tony Leung is Asia's Clark Gable(已添翻译) 六月涵雪 2006-11-19 2 / 768 六月涵雪 2007-1-23 18:55
预览 [05.08.18]In the Mood for Leung(添翻譯) 六月涵雪 2006-11-19 5 / 762 坚持晴仔 2012-8-25 19:09
预览 [06.02.21]Hong Kong star Leung, US crime writer join forces moon 2006-2-22 6 / 756 悠悠 2006-2-22 12:11
预览 [03.08.13]StudioLA's Wendy Chan interviews Tony Leung Star of In the Mood fo 六月涵雪 2006-11-19 6 / 751 cici8023 2006-12-25 00:30
预览 [04.05.05]TO CUT A LEUNG STORY SHORT VVVV 2006-3-22 6 / 745 VVVV 2006-3-23 11:04
预览 [05.08.05]Movie Review-"2046" VVVV 2006-4-3 1 / 741 nei2 2006-4-13 14:56
预览 [04.06.24] Tony Leung takes centre stage at Filmart VVVV 2006-3-22 1 / 740 LillyWhite 2007-6-10 18:41
预览 "We love what we can't have, and we can't have what we love" LillyWhite 2006-5-2 5 / 731 filosophy 2012-6-14 13:06
预览 [04.09.24]Movie Review- "Infernal Affairs" VVVV 2006-4-3 1 / 696 yuanqian 2008-2-22 00:47
预览 [91.08.29] High Camp in Fantasyland--'A Chinese Ghost Story III' mixes the VVVV 2006-8-29 0 / 690 VVVV 2006-8-29 00:09
预览 [05.08.26] '2046' VVVV 2006-4-3 1 / 689 yuanqian 2008-2-22 13:31
预览 [05.01.29]SUFFERING SEOUL RAIDERS VVVV 2006-4-3 0 / 680 VVVV 2006-4-3 10:04
预览 [06]Confession Of Pain 六月涵雪 2006-8-9 0 / 679 六月涵雪 2006-8-9 16:24
预览 [91.07.26]"Bullet in the Head"--Hong Kong Action Film Master's New One VVVV 2006-8-28 0 / 670 VVVV 2006-8-28 23:30
预览 [04.10.26]王家衛英文訪問(文字錄入) 六月涵雪 2006-11-26 1 / 662 LillyWhite 2006-12-18 19:21
预览 [04.05.24] 2046 VVVV 2006-3-23 3 / 659 VVVV 2006-3-23 09:32
预览 [05]In the Mood for Leung(greencine.com) next 2005-8-7 1 / 628 next 2005-8-7 01:03
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